This year, our talented team will be presenting a variety of sessions on unique topics

What does it take to get an open source community off the ground?

Community Manager, Developer Advocate
Alanna Burke, Lagoon’s Community Manager, is diving deep into this topic at DrupalCon Prague. Having an open source project is awesome, but how can you bring people together to use it? There are lots of smaller open source projects that are easy to integrate into your workflow - so communities form around them naturally. Organically. But what about a bigger project - one that requires some specialized knowledge and buy-in and specific needs?
Alanna is going to share her experience in getting people excited, enthusiastic, and involved with these types of projects. She will map out exactly how to start an open source community from the ground up, and how to leverage existing users and spaces.
Don’t miss this talk, so you can leave with some ideas and plans to take your own personal projects to the next level.

Building a Drupal hosting platform for all users: How to ensure everyone has the information and tools they need

Product Lead Lagoon
Lagoon’s Product Lead, Toby Bellwood, is passionate about Lagoon, the open source application delivery platform supporting Drupal and many other frameworks and technologies. While he and his team have spent a long time focusing on developers and their needs, they’ve changed it up recently: The team has started focusing on helping non-developers work on the platform as well.
How can people who aren’t developers find the information and tools they need?
This is an important question because many people who need to use Lagoon aren’t developers or even technical people: they're project owners, project managers, and even department leaders in marketing or development. And they need to be able to perform their jobs independently, without waiting and relying on the technical teams.
Find out how gives product owners and project managers at-a-glance data about their complete site holdings, and how Site Reliability Engineers can have access to the metrics they need to be able to ensure uptime. And if you're a smaller team, Toby will also be touching on all the great features that you can access easily yourself.
Toby will also be addressing the versatility and flexibility of Lagoon, and how we’ve adjusted our platform several times to meet specific needs. Learn more about some surprising use cases for Lagoon, and get a clear idea about how people use our tools in their day-to-day work. We hope to see you there!

Open source is just the beginning: Why we’re an open source company that goes beyond just code

Head of Technology and Co-Founder’s Head of Technology, Michael Schmid, wants to talk to you about open source citizenship. In the Drupal Community, everyone tries to be a good open source citizen - and while it’s true that some contribute and support the community more than others, all open source businesses have the greater good of the community in mind. Without it, we would all not exist.
Michael believes that the values of the open source community can be translated to a business setting. In fact, has been gradually implementing open source ideals within the company. In his session, Michael will share exactly how we are doing this, what works so far, what we’ve learned, and how companies can start implementing similar behaviors.
Here’s a sneak peek of what Michael will outline:
- A full and comprehensive open source handbook
- An answer to the question “why shouldn’t this be available for everyone?”
- A change process that emphasizes increased visibility and constant improvement
- Autonomous teams within the same company
- Michael’s session is highly recommended for any business leader, owner, or manager who wants to improve the inner workings of their business, or any employee of any company interested in making these improvements - but needs some assistance convincing their manager it’s time for a change.
Book a meeting

How to scale your business with a fully containerized platform

Platform Lead
Containers are here, and they are here to stay. We’ll guide you through a few stories of our customers that successfully scaled their business by committing to leverage the benefits of containers.
- We will talk about our different offerings (e.g. Cloud and Dedicated Cloud) and how customers can pivot between them based on their size or specific needs.
- We show how customers built their Software-as-a -Service business on top of our Managed Cloud clusters and leveraged our multi-region approach to deliver their application in a data sovereignty region of their choosing.
- We show how standardization of development workflows helps our customers to get more done quicker and make sure their developers do what they do best - Coding amazing applications.

Get your limited edition swag at our booth
Visit our booth for a cool gift - a stainless steel travel water bottle. We love carrying these bottles when hiking, camping, or when we just want to stay hydrated - and now you can, too! Stop by our booth and select the color of your choice. We'll see you soon!
Stop by and say hello to the team
Stop by our booth (#16) to meet our passionate team to learn all about how ZeroOps is making life easier for developers.

What you’ll learn at our booth:
This year, we’re talking ZeroOps application delivery: What it is, why it’s important, and how it can help your team. Kubernetes? Containerization? CI/CD? All of the above. Learn how we do it - and how your team can benefit from it.

The world’s top brands rely on This is why.
We’ll demonstrate exactly how to use our platform and what your team needs to do, from the very first step. ZeroOps application delivery means that developers don’t need to hassle with infrastructure and operations, so they can focus on what they do best: Code. We can’t wait to show you how it works!

Join the leadership team for a conversation.
Get excited -’s CEO, Franz Karlsberger, and Head of Technology, Michael Schmid, will both be at DrupalCon Prague. Franz and Michael each have unique experience in the Drupal space, so be sure to stop by the booth to say hello and ask questions.