Alanna Burke
Feb 02, 2023
|4 min read
A day in the life inside Lagoon: A step-by-step tutorial demo
Discover how this blog post will you understand exactly how Lagoon works, from your local development environment to deployment.
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Discover how this blog post will you understand exactly how Lagoon works, from your local development environment to deployment.
Kubernetes is a game-changer. But does that mean developers should be the ones responsible for building and maintaining it?
Want to use Kubernetes but fear your team is too small? It’s not as hard as you’d think, even on the smallest teams!
We sat down to examine all things open source: What it is, why it matters, and why we use it ourselves with our open source platform as a service (PaaS)
Learn how Pipelyft, a European SaaS Start-Up, saved $70k in startup costs and went to market a year faster with the help of Lagoon & amazee.io
In our first monthly Q&A session the topic will be about preserving developer freedom and discussing the best ways that developers can use their time.
Many people don’t realize this, but websites do, in fact, have a carbon footprint - sometimes a very large one. We can help reduce this!
Discover helpful information and practical tips on how to secure your web apps and sites once and for all.
Discover ZeroOps: A set of practices that result in developers focusing solely on coding and creating with 0% of their time spent on DevOps or infrastructure.
How to truly secure your website or applications, once and for all.
With the news of Lens 6 & Lens Pro being released, I wanted to take a moment to share my views and experiences with Lens - and why we find it so valuable
Discover what CI/CD is and how you, as a developer, can benefit from the DevOps approach and streamline your workflow.
How Lagoon can help developers use Kubernetes sooner - not later. No experience required to start using.
Read our post to understand what repositories and branches are and what it means to simply push your code
What are the benefits of using containerized hosting? What are some signs that I should switch to containers?
Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration system that helps automate processes relating to building, hosting, and running applications (or websites).
WebOps: What even is it? we've collected the most common questions about WebOps. Discover the answers in our Q&A with Bryan Gruneberg.
As organizations grow, there is more global interconnectedness and international business. Many businesses are struggling with data privacy and security.
Open source project creation jumped 40% from 2019 to 2020. In a post-pandemic world, many enterprises consider open source software essential for the future.
WebOps practices & platforms are here to increase the productivity & efficiency of the web team for a smoother, integrated hosting operations experience