Sophia Harris
Aug 11, 2022
|6 min read
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At, we’ve talked a lot this year about WebOps - a series of processes and practices to help web teams work more smoothly. And in the nature of change and progress, we’re moving forward with some new and improved language to describe our platform.
Here’s why.
Lagoon was initially created to make developers’ lives easier. Our team’s mission has always been to empower our clients to create outstanding digital experiences. To do this, we focus on solving problems with infrastructure and operations so developers are free to create and code - as they should be. When developers are tasked with dealing with challenging infrastructure and time-consuming operations work, the whole team suffers. The appeal of Lagoon, for many of our customers, is that the platform handles these tasks so developers and platform teams don’t have to.
For a time, “WebOps” was the right phrase to capture this process as we worked with customers on their web projects. But as we evolved, we realized that our true goal for developers, platform teams, and IT leaders is this: Zero operations and no infrastructure obligations, tasks, stressors, or hassles for developers. With no operations/infrastructure responsibilities, developers can truly improve their work experience, and teams can improve productivity significantly without needing to hire new employees.
On a typical site or application deployment team, developers, product managers, and platform teams may be tasked with scaling, monitoring, maintaining, and securing infrastructure. While this isn’t inherently bad, these tasks can be particularly time-consuming, especially if your applications are being deployed on legacy servers or outdated infrastructure.
Many teams are interested in or already use Kubernetes, but the learning curve is steep. Managing Kubernetes clusters yourself can be a tedious, complex process, which takes even more time away from busy teams. Managed Kubernetes services are a central part of ZeroOps because of the time, hassle, and stress they’ll save a developer team.
Another important component of ZeroOps is automated security monitoring, reporting, and vulnerability dashboards. It can be challenging to completely safeguard your site or applications manually, so using a platform that does in-depth security scanning and vulnerability detection will be a huge time saver. Using managed Kubernetes platforms can also help boost your security strategy since container image scanning may be available.
“Developer” is a profession that will always be in high demand: As technology, AI, RPA, and machine learning industries grow, developers will be more sought-after than ever before, which hardly seems possible.
A scary statistic motivates us every day: By 2030, the number of developers in existence will be far less than companies globally will need. The “war for developer talent” will intensify, and many companies may find themselves short on engineering talent. Successful and tech-forward organizations will be prepared for this - by providing their developers with the tooling and platforms they need to *actually* get things done. We’re supporting organizations to start preparing for this future today because, for many, this situation is already a reality.
ZeroOps ultimately helps teams take advantage of the talent they already have so developers can do the work they were hired to do. If developers are bogged down with infrastructure and operations, they aren’t coding or creating. There aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all, let alone to do it all well. Essentially, ZeroOps helps teams tap further into their talent and stop wasting their developers' time.
Time is an important factor when considering ZeroOps. When it comes to meeting your organization's goals, it’s easy to feel like you’re always short on time. Teams have big goals to meet, and leaders want to ensure they’re hitting their numbers. Even as much as one slow day or week can tank your most valiant efforts to meet your goals. Many teams struggle with the frustration of needing to be more productive, but they simply don’t have the time to do everything in one workday.
Many teams wonder if they need to hire additional experts, master new complicated techniques, build automation, or maintain their clouds. The truth is, you don’t need to do any of those things. It’s much more likely that giving the gift of time back to your developers will help them produce much more value with fewer distractions. ZeroOps combines intelligent automation and managed services to ensure that your developers no longer need to hassle with time-sucking infrastructure or ops tasks.
As your application delivery hub embedded in our ZeroOps platform and services, Lagoon offers teams and developers an experience that includes no operations tasks. Instead of wasting time setting up platforms, developers can simply push their code in a one-step process.
We firmly believe that developers should focus on code, not operations. Creating, managing, and maintaining multi-channel applications can be tedious, but this task becomes nearly impossible with multiple applications.
Lagoon is the engine behind’s “ZeroOps” capabilities. Our application delivery system, Lagoon, automates your site and applications' deployment, management, security, and general operations. It is the solution that allows developers to locally develop their code and services with Docker and run the same system in production with Kubernetes.
This means the same container images, configurations, and code. We describe Lagoon as a developer-focused application delivery platform. It’s a cloud-native solution for application deployment, management, security, and operation. With Lagoon, developers don’t need to have cloud-native experience or knowledge since Lagoon serves as that expertise base.
Lagoon allows teams to deploy into Kubernetes easily and provides a solution for production-grade systems with integrated logging, monitoring tool support, and security scanning. It abstracts Kubernetes and its complexities into fully automated deployments, which lifts an enormous burden from developers. For these reasons and more, we consider Lagoon to be our ZeroOps “secret sauce.”
To summarize the value of ZeroOps: Imagine how it would feel to only have to worry about what you want to do, not how you will do it.
Without worrying about infrastructure and operations layers, your team can focus on executing new ideas, completing projects infused with business value, and learning new skills. While WebOps is technically still a core part of what we do and how we help our customers, ZeroOps is most in line with the future goals of
The added benefit of choosing for your ZeroOps application delivery is that we offer support for all major web technologies and frameworks, allowing you to choose what’s best for your team, your processes, and your organization.
If ZeroOps is a new concept for you, we’re happy to discuss it further. Be sure to follow on LinkedIn to learn more about ZeroOps.
Curious about how ZeroOps could take your team to the next level? Get a ZeroOps quote for your own site or app today.
📌 Interested in more information about ZeroOps? Then check out this informative definition of ZeroOps by TechTarget
Updated: 29. August, 2024