Michael Schmid
Feb 26, 2018
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We value transparency in everything from our code to our business conduct. With that in mind, last year we were proud to offer a public 2017 Project Roadmap of all we hoped to accomplish. We got so much great work done, and many of our goals for 2017 have been folded into our groundbreaking hosting system: Lagoon.
Lagoon incorporates so many of the things we were thinking about last year, expanding our ability to host decoupled projects, incorporating API and CLI, and, of course, Docker in production. Using Docker also unlocks additional services, like Node.js, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, or Solr, to help you build whatever you might need.
First Half of 2018
Lagoon is obviously our main focus for 2018 and we are happy to report that the great migration has already begun, first with some of our on-premises clients and all of our internal projects as well. With our newly running Openshift cluster in Switzerland, our Swiss-based clients can look forward to Lagoon migration soon, with the rest of the world to follow. Those clients can expect us to be in contact with personalized migration plan in the next four to five weeks. After this is complete we will be moving on to all our other locations.
Second Half of 2018
The second half of the year we will focus on making things increasingly robust, and responding to requests. One of the best things about Lagoon is its flexibility — tell us what you want to host and we will work with you to make it happen. We invest a lot of time in developing and maintaining Lagoon, but it is at its heart an open source project and we want to invite your feedback, collaboration, and contributions.
Last year we asked for ideas in our Trello board, as you can see, this led to a lot of great releases and progress. If you have ideas for us this year, please stop over at our Github Idea Management Board