Bastian Widmer
Oct 4, 2016
|2 min read min read
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Johanna, Michael, and I set out to Dublin to attend DrupalCon, and we did! We showcased the great features of to a lot of people and we got very rewarding feedback and insights for what customers need and where we can improve to stay ahead of the game. And hey, we took pictures!
For the last few DrupalCons I helped curate the speakers in different tracks. This year, together with Jason Yee of DataDog, I helped curate the programme for the new Performance and Scaling Track. Of those sessions, these are the talks I really enjoyed:
1. HTTP/2 — What no one is telling you
If you are still wondering about HTTP/2 this session was for you. Hooman Beheshti from Fastly talked about HTTP/2 and some common misconceptions. During the course of his session he performed a deep-dive on performance and gave many great hints and resources to explore the new technology for yourself.
2. Data-Driven Post-Mortems
In this session, my co-chair Jason Yee shared how to create better post-mortems based on real incidents he encountered throughout his work in the field. Good stories and great action points!
3. Shameless Plug: presented, too!
In addition to pitching, Michael and I had time to present. Watch the videos from our two sessions here:
Drupal Security — There is a mini-Drupalgeddon every week and how to survive itTo CDN and beyond! Speed up websites beyond the US and Europe
Winter is coming. As such, you might want to get back into the habit of reading. A lot of speakers referenced some really good books — here’s a short list of the books I already read on those subjects.
1. Effective DevOps
When it comes to good DevOps books, look no further. The Effective DevOps book is one of the better ones. It tells you how to establish a DevOps Culture. Hint: It’s not by adding tools or bringing in external specialists.
2. Site Reliability Engineering
As Site Reliability Engineering (short SRE) grows as a subset of DevOps, you might want to read into this topic also. It’s interesting to see how other teams are forming their SRE teams to drive stability and reliability even further.
3. High-Performance Browser Networking
If you liked Hoomans talk on HTTP/2 you may want to read High Performance Browser Networking. It is freely available to read online and you will learn a lot.
4. DevOps: A Software Architect’s Perspective
This is one of my personal favorites. It is definitively worth a look. It dives deeper into how Development and Operations can work closer together.