Nicole DeAngelis
Mar 17, 2020
|3 min read
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Until now, Lagoon users have been reliant on a suite of local dev tools, including our own homespun open source tool, Pygmy. As’s primary focus is developing and supporting the Lagoon hosting platform, maintaining and enhancing Pygmy has often been less of a priority. Because of this, the local development process has always had room for improvement.
As there are existing tools that are uniquely focused on local development and have mass user adoption, we’ve decided to partner with the leading open source local development platform via direct integration with Lando (by Tandem).
Lando + Lagoon will offer a fast, fluid full-cycle development and deployment experience, and we’re excited to be a Lando alliance sponsor and integration partner.
About Lando
Lando has already been established as the preferred local development solution for Drupal developers and is increasingly popular in Wordpress, Laravel, and Javascript communities. It’s an open source, cross-platform tool that runs all projects no matter what their underlying tech stack looks like. Lando has a vibrant community of active contributors working to improve and update it regularly to reflect changes in broader development trends.
Replacing Lagoon’s existing suite of local development tools with Lando will mean less onboarding for new Lagoon users familiar with Lando and workflow simplification for existing users. All developers will benefit from an easy-to-use, standardized tool that will seamlessly integrate with Lagoon.
In addition to making life easier for developers, using Lando will allow our internal teams to focus on what’s most important: improving Lagoon. Previously, support for local development has rested entirely on — everything from support tickets, bug fixes, security vulnerabilities, feature requests, and documentation is currently handled by our internal team. As open source champions, we understand the importance of building on battle-tested code that’s heavily used by many real-world cases.
Lando + Lagoon
Lando and Lagoon share common design principles and underlying technology (Docker) so the shift to Lando will provide immediate parity with the existing Lagoon local dev toolchain. It also brings the possibility of new features. All core Lando commands — such as building, starting and stopping local applications, and SSH access will all carry over.
Additionally, support for tooling commands and utilities found in Lando’s LAMP and Drupal recipes will be usable for Lagoon users — including running PHP commands, accessing the MySQL CLI, importing and exporting databases, and running commands in containers for Drush, Node, NPM, and Yarn.
Drupal developers can run sites locally using our existing Docker images and all the standard Lagoon build steps and automations for things like pulling databases will be supported.
Contributions and Community
Integrating Lando with Lagoon also provides the opportunity to further both and Tandem’s commitments to the open source community. We believe that joining forces will result in more contributions to both projects that further developers’ capabilities.
At this stage, we’re aiming to have an alpha release ready in May 2020. Want to know more? Get in touch with us for more details.