Michael Schmid
Dec 18, 2018
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Two PHP versions are reaching their end of life, PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0. This means that there will no longer be security updates or support for those either from PHP or from the Drupal community. Additionally, PHP 7.1 will only be supported through the end of 2019. amazee.io recommends upgrading directly to PHP 7.2 immediately.
We never force our clients to upgrade, though the advantages of an upgrade are clear. Our hosting platforms can run multiple versions of PHP. But older versions of PHP will not be supported after their end of life by PHP, Drupal, or amazee.io. Furthermore, new security releases will have an unknown level of risk for clients running on PHP 5.6 or 7.0
With both our legacy platforms and Lagoon, you can update the PHP version in different environments separately. This means you can update your dev or staging environments first, make sure everything works the way you want it to, and then update your production environment. For clients on our Legacy hosting systems, this is as simple as asking us on your chat channel or via email to update an environment when you’re ready.
For clients on Lagoon, you can define your PHP version yourself within the ‘Dockerfile.cli’ and ‘Dockerfile.php’ files. With either system, you can upgrade locally and test everything before changing any of your environments.
Not only will updating your PHP version make your projects more secure, but it will also make them faster. Check out this blog to learn how updating your PHP dramatically increase your performance.
As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@amazee.io with any questions or concerns.